Migrate From Legacy WooCommerce Plugin

Before you start

The migration from our legacy FawryPay Woocommerce plugin is an easy process. No advanced development skills is needed.

In order to have a smooth and seamless integration, make sure you have the following compatibility list satisfied.

item compatible version References
Wordpress 5.1.1 or higher wordpress.org
PHP version 7.2.2 or higher wordpress.org
WooCommerce 3.6.1 or higher woocommerce.com
WooCommerce database 3.6.1 or higher woocommerce.com

Remove Legacy FawryPay Woocommerce Plugin

This section illustrates how you can safely remove our Legacy WooCommerce plugin in simple and easy steps. Please follow the steps in order to integrate the Legacy plugin removed from your system.

  1. Login to your WordPress Dashboard.
  2. In your WordPress Admin Menu, go to Plugins > Installed Plugins.
  3. Within the list of the installed plugins, locate FawryPay plugin and click Deactivate.
  4. wordpress deactivate plugin screenshot
  5. Locate FawryPay plugin again and click Delete.
  6. wordpress remove plugin screenshot

Install the updated plugin

Once you have our legacy Woocommerce removed from your system, you can now follow the instructions here to get the updated Woocommerce plugin up and running on your Woocommerce portal.

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