FawryPay WooCommerce Plugin

Before you start

FawryPay payment integration with WordPress plugins is an easy process. No advanced development skills is needed.

In order to have a smooth and seamless integration, make sure you have the following compatibility list satisfied.

item compatible version References
Wordpress 5.1.1 or higher wordpress.org
PHP version 7.2.2 or higher wordpress.org
WooCommerce 3.6.1 or higher woocommerce.com
WooCommerce database 3.6.1 or higher woocommerce.com


This document illustrates how our gateway can be integrated with WooCommerce plugin in simple and easy steps. Please follow the steps in order to integrate the FawryPay plug-in with your Wordpress/WooCommerce website.

  1. Download the plugin.

    We have two choices.

    1. Install one plugin, and we'll display a single checkout button at your store, the consumer will choose the payment option in our plugin,download it from here Download Main Plugin
      Main Plugin
      Main Plugin

    2. Install separate plugin for each payment method; in this case, checkout buttons will be displayed at your store for each plugin.and the plugins may be downloaded from here

      Credit Cards
      1. Pay with Reference Number Download Reference number Plugin

      2. Payment with Credit Cards Download CC Plugin

      3. Payment via wallet Download MWallets Plugin

  2. Login to your WordPress Dashboard.
  3. In your WordPress Admin Menu, go to Plugins > Add New.
  4. Click on Upload Plugin button found on top left corner of page.
  5. word press upload plugin screenshot
  6. Click on Browse (1), Select the .zip file of your plugin in your computer, and click Install Now (2) button.
  7. word press browse and install plugin screenshot
  8. At this point, the plugin is installed. You can click on Activate Plugin link.
  9. word press activate plugin screenshot
  10. In your installed plugins, find FawryPay entry and click activate.
  11. word press activate plugin click to activate screenshot
  12. Well done, you have managed to install and activate Woocommerce FawryPay plugin!
  13. word press plugin activated feedback message screenshot

Setup and Configuration

  1. Go to WooCommerce section.
  2. Select Settings subsection.
  3. In the settings page, click on the payment tab.
  4. FawryPay Payment Gateway is ENABLED by default. Otherwise, go ahead and enable it.
  5. Click on "Manage" button.
  6. WooCommerce configuration settings screenshot
  7. Within the "Manage" page, please fill the fields as described in the following table:
  8. field description example
    Enable/Disable Controls weather FawryPay can be used as a checkout payment method Checked
    Description The text for the payment service description Pay by Credit, Debit, and other supported card types or through Fawry POS
    Merchant Identifier Your merchant ID (encrypted code) you should have received it after creating an accent. 1tSa6uxs2nRlhbmxKHde8A==
    Hash Code Your Security key (encrypted code) you should have received it after creating an accent. 8e675er5aa864b49w6a30fe2eea7124b
    Is Staging Environment Tick the checkbox, if you wish to test before going live. Untick to begin accepting payments with FawryPay. checked
    Unpaid Order Expiry(Hours) Set how long should the payment request waits before expiration. 48
    Complete Order after payment Set order status to complete instead of processing after payment. checked
    Enable Summarized Mode enable order calculations based only on total price including taxes and shipping. checked
  9. Once you're done, click on save changes button.

Orders Management

  1. Go to WooCommerce section.
  2. Select Orders subsection.
  3. In the orders page, you will find a list of your orders.
  4. WooCommerce Orders screenshot
  5. You will find the status of each order depending on the payment status. Note that, In case where your customer choose to pay at any Fawry POS, the status will be updated automatically once the payment has been done.
  6. Payment Status description
    Cancelled Cancelled Payment.
    Pending Payment The order is waiting payment by your client.
    Processing Payment done, however, it will be rendered processing until you change the order status to completed. You will need to do that in case of orders requiring shipping for example.
    On Hold Payment is on hold.
    Completed The payment has been completed.
    Refunded Refund has been issued to your customer.
    Failed The payment has been failed.

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